View Profile gankro
Only 4 squares jimmy... but... I had really bad diarrhoea... I guess I might be able to clean my hands...

Age 32, Male


St. Pius X

Ottawa, ON

Joined on 9/16/06

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Well good luck with that,i think you should make something a bit more impressive,because by the examples there I'm not impressed.

what could I add to make it impressive?

very nice, i really like the destructable land thing, where did you get the code for that?

I... made it...

wow, maybe we should do a game sometime?

although im moving from edmonton all the way to nova sctoia after school ends so there would be a large gap in which i could contact you , lol

I've had this concept spinning around my head for a while... and it sounds like you're moving from -2 provinces/timezones to +2 provinces/timezones from me so there won't be any difference to me... although... my geographical abilities are that of a toddler... one who hits his head a lot... a lot... anyways, I'm reasonably interested but need to finish this other project first... as soon as exams n' such die down.

hmm well, I like the mountie-guy I drew so we could make a game about him, maybe he has to fight hitler or something idk.

I could just do the animations for some of the shit in my head and then when I move and get internet I could contact you and give you a good-amount of the art.

bad thing is though im moving by car and its gonna take 6 days of driving to get from edmonton to novascotia. and then theres the fact that it will probaly take my parents another week + to find a house .

and then maybe another week to get internet ....
my god im gonna hate moving.

so this would be delayed for a while , But I guess its better to spend lots of time reflecting on things then rushing and having a game thats pure crap.

so yeah no rush LOL

well my idea goes along these lines:

You've been beta testing this online shooter since day 1, you have every weapon, lvl 99, max everything, you've even learned some glitches and hacks too. The day has finally come, the game is being released. It is up to you to stop the hoards of noobs coming to ruin the game by any means necessary. You must ruin the experience for the noobs and keep them out using your magnificent arsenal and hax (using too many hax will lead to you being reported and banned). You will encounter many noob tactics such as run up to him and drop a grenade, barrel rolling (like literal barrels) (which I was actually toying with today: http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/0 50608/84031_barrel.php ) to full blown roflcopters! ( I always imagined them flying upside down personally)

as for the style I was thinking something very cartoony and whacky


ah that sounds preety cool

i dont really do cartoony/wacky stuff but i can try and come up with something cartoony/wacky

also that barrel looks preety cool.

i could probaly come up with some concepts for now see if you like them.

cool. add me to msn if you want. nintendogood(at)hotmail.com, I SLEEP NOW.... it's 12 here...

I like them very much :O

In particular the tower defense and also strangely the slot machine

If you think of some cool concept to make your tower defence game unique, then go ahead and make it please :]

If you want a challenge, how about an RTS engine? Or an RPG.

Id be interested to see how your inventory system is done, im not talking about code, just the basic method.

Are you simply duplicating the movieclip to the space in the inventory? And what do you use to check what space to go into? Like I said im not asking for code just a general idea of how you did it.

I use an array to keep track of what is in what slot, I basically have it go through each slot and once it finds an empty one gives the selected item it's x/y coords and informs teh array that said slot is full. Once placed the item goes to it's second frame which is a smaller version, i did not just use _width in height in case I want the in slot image to be different. When "dragged" I inform the array that the slot is empty and then check if it's hitting it's "destination". And only 69 lines (including variable declarations!)

As for your ideas: RTS is probably too intensive for as2... but an rpg combat engine might be an interesting concept...