As a coder with a sister who is an animation student I found a slight need to get good at animation, but being good wasn't good enough. She dislikes flash because of it's... I'm not quite sure... probably because I just use it... (she favors toon-boom and traditional animation [hand drawn frame by frame on sheets of paper you take photos of, which takes like 2 weeks to do a bouncing ball cycle]). So I had to do it all fbf, no tweens, no masks. And several days later... I did it: My Masterpiece
I'm incredibly impressed with the results, a 4.0 (plateaued at 4.11 before being potentially down voted by clock fans, but I'm not bitter or anything...) and a daily third which could have easily been a first with slightly less impressive competition, and allowed me to make this post. So, what do you guys think?
Oh ya, and here's my latest coding portfolio:
Most Recent Version (starting to bug out from size, i.e random mc's breaking, so tell me if any are)
pretty neat. only part i didnt like was when you used the AAAA .. i didnt get why the tips of the A made the ball bounce.. if anything it shoulda popped it.
Kudos for trying out our shoes.
it did, pop, no? or are you just being silly as usual?