This week has turned out really weird... not in a big way but in many small ways...
for one, we had a big early snowfall, ya, that's right... already snowin' in Canada... the wind was so powerful all the icicles are on a 45 degree angle and one side of everything is plastered with snow while the other side remains bare. And to add to the strangeness of that, my street has something I imagine poets would have a wet dream about... there is a tree that has barely started to turn red - which is covered in snow. It's kinda spooky...
Beyond that I've noticed that even though I'm working excessive hours at work (26 a week of the maximum recommended 15) my grades are higher than ever... Also while this may seem irrelevant, this is the first time in months in which I have been separated from my bike. Forcing me to bum rides or WALK everywhere. And really, once you've biked, walking is just painfully slow...
I've also barely touched (non-school) computers in the last month and it's only really now sinking in... While many have grown to think I need a technology IV, it seems I don't really need it at all... I just have a strange habit of becoming fully attached to what ever I'm doing and ignoring all other options. I find this is most clearly indicated by how I read books... You see, I don't read an hour and come back later, nor two nor three... I read around 12 hours at a time. And the closer I get to the end, the less likely I am to put it down... For this reason, while I do love a good book, I generally avoid books as it will destroy any chance of productivity in the next day or two. And with school and work consuming almost 60 hours a week I have few 12 hour slots to use short of sleep deprivation...
Other than that it's just been one weird coincidence after another making me feel kinda creeped out... anyone else havin' a weird week?
What a coincidence I just recommended my girlfriend to have one!
yay family values!