View Profile gankro
Only 4 squares jimmy... but... I had really bad diarrhoea... I guess I might be able to clean my hands...

Age 32, Male


St. Pius X

Ottawa, ON

Joined on 9/16/06

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Posted by gankro - November 4th, 2007

So I'm bored with action games... everyone and their grandma, except sirtom93 (his grandma can though), can make an action game. So I'm gonna move more into the realm of puzzle games... maybe make some escape games... any ideas?



If you are a good flash maker, do you think you can make an RTS game?

I've been looking for someone who is smart enough to make a game out of an idea of mine, since im to stupid to make it myself.

I think puzzle games are overrated. Just about every top-scoring game is a puzzle game. I think the coolest genres are action and FPS. I've only seen like 2 real good flash FPS's before.

give up?

dont include me in your posts gay boy.

Stop overall.

Recreate a classic game like Galaga or Donkey Kong, but with different characters and a bit altered story? I could help?DrawlLzorZ.

Anyways while I'm at it, sorry I've been away for about a week on vacation, but i'll try to buckle down. I'm not making any huge promises because school and life is destroying me (read my blog).

And Sirtom, is your life path circulated around flaming Gankro's blog?

Bye, gotta sleep.Nao.

gankro's thread deserves to be flamed.

cya you gay boy im of to go watch porn.

Sorry tom, I didn't mean flaming it, I meant destroying it with the jealousy that they can actually make a game.



gankro at least i make flashes.

...so does my 10 year old cousin... congrats, you have the intellect of a 10 year old. (that's an improvement for you)

my ba=3.12

your ba= OH wait,you dont have one :(

lets look over your submissions:

1 hour party time collab: first off... its a collab, you had like, 4 frames looping in it... and its the only thing you have above 3.o so right off the bat and you can't really count that meaning you are well below 3.o in reality. (fun fact!: I was making fun of coolio for being in the same collab as you a while ago and he pointed out the only reason he accepted yours was because there wasn't enough people)

2: the sugarhill gang game: I remember you asking if I wanted to buy that engine from you which you said you had bought, and the graphics were better BEFORE you edited them. Also, you've been upvoting it like mad, it got through with less than 2 originaly... and I doubt a bunch of people saw its "deeper meaning" and brought the score up at the last minute. Also, like 5 levels... all the same... (fun fact!: sugarhill gang sucks... a lot)

3: skiing: ...doesn't even look like he's skiing... there was nothing to it, guy running on some lines... something tells me you play a lot of line rider... It's super zoomed out, with 2 colours and just plain terrible, judging from the socre, also upvoted.

4: the avengefull (<-- typo!) above: omg! FILTER! POURLY DRAWN CURVED CROSS! 12 FPS! THE END?!!?!?! I have nothing further to say.

5: zombies!: oh zombies... you required 3 PEOPLE to make this shit bucket! with graphics I would normaly use as temp! again, only like 5 levels... I'm lazy and shit... but you actually submitted this...

6: diablo: I didn't realize you could make something as cool as diablo look bad... I mean really... the graphics look like they were done in paint, you can see the excess pixels from pourly cropped images, and it was all gibberish... rather than animating him taking the key card you just make him blatantly say: I've got his key card so I can get out now.

also: I don't have a BA because i deleted some of my work I was less than proud of... and it was STILL better than your crap!

Nothing much for you to say there Tom. But somehow you'll find a way to come back with something even more pathetic than using the advantage of a BA to your side. Gankro said something and you basically said : "Well, look at this, I'm a snobby asswipe and I have a higher Batting Average than you!"

Try actually sorting things out with him, instead of waving your barely 3 batting average in front of everyone, that you probably wouldn't have by that collab. Also, maybe for once you could actually talk about the subject he was posting, instead of going all haywire.


oh ok. Jee gankro i hope you make a puzzle game because im lead animater for a christmas defence game and it will wipe the floor with your shit.

70% chance, doesn't get finished, 5% chance you get booted, 10% it gets blammed, 5% gets through with bad score, 100% chance of suckage.

Actualy its an assignement that we have to make it.

The aser is far better than you by the way.

FLASH OFF! ASHKIN SKRIPT 3.14159672 zomfglolroflcopter!!!!11111oneone wonone

but seriously, I challenge this guy to a script off.

I can see the dipshit (tom) takes no obligation to read any of my posts so the hell with it. Tom, stop being an asshole by stating that you can make things better than he can. Oh, fucking believe me, we all get the damn picture here, we knew from the last 5 or so other posts. Anyways, just about every project you've said is "upcoming" ends up with you in tears and having your period.

Hey smartdog... Your kinda like russia during world war to with all your swaping and changing....

if you want a script of i suggest you unblock me on msn and let the games begin.

unblock? I deleted you like a year ago... and I'm challenging your scripter... not you... you suck at code...

Swapping from side to side? That's called giving some people like you a chance if that's what your talking about. If not, go ahead and do what you'll probably do anyway: call me a dumbass.

you should stop being polite to this jackass... oh and russia rules anyway.

Ive never called you a dumbass in my life. Oh and gankro. Go check out my game that i did animation on. It pwns anything youve done or ever will. Oh and stop dowvoting my flash you noob.

the programming is decent.. a bit sloppily done.. over use of "this" but the art was just... terrible... epicly terrible infact... and no, i'm not downvoting your flash, but you ARE upvoting it. And I am currently working on something that is better than that UNFINISHED.

ohhh. Just terrible ..... It cleary wasnt.

have you READ the reviews? most of them say the game isn't very good, and especially highlight how annoying some of the animation was! and most of the good reviews are clearly by friends!

also: nice alt: http://hazzal.newgrounds.com/

You fucking noob. I dont even have an alt.

wow, thats a crazy coincidence that on the day the game was submitted the guy created his account, he voted on 5 things to level, viewed your flash, faved it, reviewed it and then just stopped doing anything... thats a crazy coincidence...

Go ask wade or bob to run an ip and isp check you fucking noob go suck your boyfriends cock. Jesus christ dude. Have a shitty christmas.

pshhht... I'm not gonna waste their time with that bullshit, any one can change and/or mask their IP and I know you use newgrounds at school too so theres no point... it's blatantly obvious... painfully so actually.

The fact that i dont have an alt makes you look noobish. I cant even get on Ng at school.....

point 1: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/top ic/819140

quote:"Im literaly always on the forums.If my computer is on im on it.I also use proxys to get on bbs at school."

point 2: if you go to someones userpage it doesn't say SIRTOM HAS: "x" ALTS and it won't say this account is an alt of...

gawd you're dumb.

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