View Profile gankro
Only 4 squares jimmy... but... I had really bad diarrhoea... I guess I might be able to clean my hands...

Age 32, Male


St. Pius X

Ottawa, ON

Joined on 9/16/06

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Posted by gankro - August 29th, 2008

yep, two days after castle crashers, and actually while playing castle crashers... I get red ringed... oh well, at least I had already beaten it... hopefully I can get Microsoft to replace it in time for the fall lineup of games... any tips or insight into how the whole fixing process goes?

Oh, ya, and before I forget, here's: My Coding Portfolio


dont accept a repair


they will run thru the BS .....move it or try it without a hard drive bah bah bah

say ok ill do it ......wait and say ok done

i know ive done this 3 times

already tried all those things anyways...

Just make abso-fucking-lutely sure that you do not send in your hard drive! you will cry... maybe.

already took it off

watch ergo-engans youtube vid about it he fixed his rrod he FUCKING PWNED IT MAN

I'm not particularly machine savy and thus will avoid doing anything risque

Haha. If not for Castle Crashers, Xbox 360 would be crap on a bun.

...how... xbox makes a point of having every single good game, often exclusively... it's the best ACTUAL GAMING console around...

OH YEAH? well mine broke three days before it came out so stop whining.

...all though all my friends bought it and ive been playing it there on my hard drive as well haha

and my friends don't have it...

Here's my advice: Don't get the red ring of death in the first place.

The red ring of death only occurs if your xbox overheats.

how... useful... I've left it on for nearly a day before but it happened after minutes...

mine broke 5 times


Wow. I have a GameStop refurbished console and it's run smooth as a panther since i got it. Over a year ago. Only red ring I ever got was when I pulled out the video cable while it was on! Everyone here has had to replace it like 3 or 5 times!

WTF is up with that?

depending on where you live it'll take a week to 6 months... it took me 6 months.


wow tat suck castle crasher is awsome and the fall line up like seriousley fable 2,halo wars,gears of war2,NHL 09,left 4 dead,call of duty world at war and brothers and arms hells high way. wow that sucks to be you but hey hopefully you have a repair shop near you!

lol, NHL 09... why must it always be in the future...

Why the fuck would anyone buy a 360....


I laughed my ass off at "I'm already a level 73 fetus."

So. Good show, sir.

Your poker game doesn't work. I had a Straight and the cpu beat me with a pair of three's.

oh geez, it's probably an ancient version, also aces are low...

hey man, i know how you feel, i got red ringed the other day, infact the day befor castle crashers :( but i do know how its fixed, apparently its some cheap solder in the hard drive connection that get burnt out after a while, so they just resolder it.
hope yours get fixed soon man


I've seen people wrapping towels around their Xbox360's and keeping it running for an hour. It fixes the problem, but only temporarily. The heat expands the circuit board a bit and it would help. Mind you, again: it's a temp fix. Apart from getting it fixes by a tech, you can't do much else then wait. You can find a fried and play at his house in case you really need to play, LOL

awww... but then I have to go outside... and make friends... that's a lot of work...

It took me around 2 monthes to get mine back, it all depends on where you live, like other people said. Good luck, and be sure to remove your hard drive!!!!!

already have

happened to me a while ago, i just threw it away and got an elite, its much easier, but if you live near a microsoft repair store, id repair it and use a friends console, or buy another, whichever way is quicker really,

Hope you fix it soon! :P

not all of us are moneybags mcgee

Appearantly Microsoft wanted to mess up that bad and make the cooling unit purposely too small for the console.

Oh well, I like my Wii enough, but it's a god damn shame I can't play Castle Crashers.

the wii has disappointedly few good games.. although I keep hearing decent things about it's downloadable games... I should look into it...

Mine broke two days before Mercs 2 it seems that August is the month for xboxs to get the RROD my suggestion is if you get it back and it still doesn't work, call them back and threaten that your going to become a sony fanboy you won't believe how fast that will fix the problem

but then I'd have to become a sony fan boy...

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